Spring 1
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday.
We kick started the year by being treated to watch a Pantomime at school. We watch Treasure Island. Who was your favourite character?
Our topic this half term is Kensuke's Kingdom
We will be reading Kensuke's Kingdom in class and writing a diary entry as the character of Michael later on in the term. Do you know the name of the author of Kensuke's Kingdom?
We will also be looking at the artist Hokusai in detail and his painting 'The Great Wave' which inspired the cover of Kensuke's Kingdom. We will recreate the great wave in art by using watercolours, printing and in mosaic form.
Visit to Tate Britain
On Wednesday 17th January Year 2 went on a school trip to Tate Britain. We caught the train which was very exciting. It was our first time visiting an Art Gallery, we saw a lot of amazing art work including paintings, installations and sculpture. We had to find pieces of art in different rooms and answer the questions about it.