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Cardinal Road Nursery & Infant School

‘Creating Opportunities’

Special Education Needs

"Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) do well because care is taken to plan work that meets their individual needs." OFSTED May 2019

Mrs Gursharan Kalyan is the SENDCO at Cardinal Road Nursery and Infant School. The SENDCO's room can be found on the right hand side as you enter the hall from the walkway.

She can also be contacted on the School telephone 0208 890 6306.

One child is greater depth and the other SEND and yet the teaching and support both children have been given by staff has been outstanding." (parent quote 2022)


Please follow the link: Hounslow Local Offer


It is quite common for children to experience difficulties at some point during their school career.


The school has a SENDCO (Special Educational Needs  and Disabilities Coordinator) and a representative from the Governing Body who maintains a specific interest in the subject. We have a Special Needs Policy in line with the code of conduct.


The SENDCO works closely with the class teachers and parents to monitor progress and to ensure appropriate strategies are put into place. Parents are involved from the earliest stage, and are invited to discuss concerns with the teacher or SENDCO.


Sometimes children receive support from external agencies. Parents’ permission is always sought prior to a visit. We aim to help children overcome or minimise difficulties.
