Aim and Value
Our aim and value this half term is to 'Be Kind'. We have been doing lots of work in class about how we can be kind to one another. In our classrooms we have a 'Be Kind' display
Some ways we could be kind are:
Fit for Life
Our first topic is Fit for Life. We started off by learning all about the Olympics and how they started. We then split into three teams to compete as a country. We made flags and learnt all about those countries. Can you guess the countries from the colours and flags below?
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Year 2 have been working hard making lots of cakes ready for our coffee morning to help raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. We really enjoy baking different recipes. It was great to know that we raising money for such a good cause. Thank you for all of your support and donations, everybody has been very generous!
We had a fantastic time designing our pasta salad. Our design criteria was that it had to healthy. Did we meet the criteria?
Plant Artwork
Our theme was plants and living things so we looked at Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and Andy Warhol and recreated some of their artwork. We learnt about them and their lives.
We were truly inspired and very impressed with our skills to complete all the pieces. Our Year 2 display in the hall looks fantastic!
Black History Week
To celebrate Black History week we had a dance and music workshop. We joined in this exciting interactive session with professionals.
We launched our topic by exploring some different countries around the world. We needed passports to cross the borders of each country so we designed our own passports and carried them with us. We got a stamp from each place we travelled! We planned our trip and each had an itinerary to follow. Can you guess which countries we visited?
Purple Class's assembly
Our was on our topic from Autumn 1 'Fit for Life'. We shared important information on how to keep fit and healthy!
Maths Parent Workshops
On Wednesday 1st November, our parents were invited into school to play maths games with us! We were very excited and loved having them come into our classes to spend time with us & play fun maths games together.
Gurdwara visits
We have been learning about Sikhism this term. We were very lucky to have the opportunity to visit a Gurdwara in Hounslow. The children were very excited to catch the bus and travel to Hounslow. All the children enjoyed their tour of the Gurdwara and were very respectful during the visit, we are very proud of how they demonstrated our Aim and Values on our first trip.
Christmas Carol Concert
Christmas Lunch
Christmas Party