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Cardinal Road Nursery & Infant School

‘Creating Opportunities’

Autumn 1

Fit for Life


Our first topic is Fit for Life. We started off by learning all about the Olympics and how they started. We then split in to 3 teams to compete as a country. We made flags and learnt all about those countries. Can you guess the countries from the colours and flags below?

At the end of the day we had a special assembly called a 'closing ceremony' where we got presented with awards. What did your country win?

Aim and Value


Our aim and value this half term is to 'Be Kind'. We have been doing lots of work in class about how we can be kind to one another. In our classrooms we have a 'Be Kind' display.


Some ways we could be kind are:

  • playing with our friends
  • listening
  • making good choices
  • helping others
  • give hugs
  • cheering people up

Macmillan Coffee Morning


Year 2 have been working hard making lots of cakes ready for our coffee morning to help raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. We really enjoy baking different recipes. It was great to know that we raising money for such a good cause. Thank you for all of your support and donations, everybody has been very generous!

Black History Week


To celebrate Black History week we had a storytelling workshop. We joined in this exciting interactive session with professionals.

Spooky Snacks

We had a fantastic time designing our spooky snacks. Our design criteria was that they had to be spooky and they had to be healthy. Did we meet the criteria?


