Thur 2 May - Polling Station in Riverside
Mon 6 May - School Closed Bank Holiday
Mon 13 - Fri 17 May - All Week - Walk to School Week
Tue 14 May - 8:10-8:40am - Scoot/Walk/Bicycle to School Breakfast
Wed 15 May - am - Yr2 Judaism Assembly and Yr1 Workshops
Thur 16 May - 9:00am - Reception Assembly
Fri 17 May - 9:00am - Keep Your Children Safe Parent/Carer Meeting in the Hall
Fri 24 May - All Day - School Closed - Staff Training
Mon 27 - Fri 31 May - School Closed - Half Term
Mon 3 June - Summer Term 2 Begins
Autumn Term 2023
The Autumn Term at Cardinal Road was filled with special events, visits and exciting learning linked to our three Curriculum Drivers of "Real Life Experiences" "Emotional Literacy" and "Community".
Year Two began the year working as a team to plan, bake delicious cakes and make beautiful hall and table decorations for their Coffee Morning to raise money for the Macmillan Charity.
The school reached out to the community inviting parents and carers to attend informative curriculum meetings, a RWI Meeting and the popular weekly Reading mornings, as well as maths workshops and special KS1 Harvest assemblies. Many children also enjoyed starting the day by sharing food together at our Scoot to Breakfast events.
Topic launches provided all year groups with stimulating and creative opportunities to engage them in their learning and encourage them to participate in hands on activities.
Children experienced some fantastic live music as "Maroon Town" performed their reggae and ska, combined with some interesting historical and geographical facts to celebrate Black History. The police also visited to hold useful assemblies and explain their role and the community work that they do.
Reception held wonderful Diwali parties supported by many kind parents who gave their time to decorate children's hands with mehndi patterns and both Year 1 and 2 Aimed High and represented the school with fantastic behaviour as they visited local places of worship in the community.
As usual Christmas is a magical time at Cardinal Road with the walkway full of twinkling hoops and the many Christmas concerts that fill the school with singing and bring each year group together. It is always a wonderful way to end the term and we look forward to even more exciting adventures and opportunities in the Spring.
Please see below for a selection of photos, we wish you a Happy New Year 2023.
Summer Term 2023
During the Summer Term we have continued to develop our strong links with the community and the children in every year group have really "Aimed high and worked hard" to achieve the best that they possible can in all areas of the curriculum.
We have had exciting trips to religious buildings, parks, a gallery, the farm and the theatre, enriching children's experiences and creating wonderful shared memories.
The weather was kind to us for our three Sports Days and ten children also successfully represented Cardinal Road at the Quad Festival borough competition.
Each year group from Nursery to Year 2 have amazed their parents and carers with special assemblies or concerts to celebrate the year and in the last week the Year 2 show "Pirates and Mermaids" took over the whole school with cries of "Arrgghhhh" and "Mermaids are better than pirates!"
The production was a wonderful showcase for this amazing year group and we wish them all the best as they leave us and continue their learning journey in Junior Schools.
Please see a selection of photographs from the show below.
We began January with an action packed and fun filled pantomime that engaged the audience from start to finish and certainly provided that awe and wonder buzz around the school.
As well as continuing to provide opportunities for our school community such as Reading Mornings, Maths Workshops, Parent Consultations and Year 1 Class Assemblies, we also held some special events to enrich the children's learning further.
These included a Science Focus Week with a mad professor Science Assembly, the always popular K Z Dance and various literacy experiences across the school to celebrate World Book Day. Year 1 had a very enjoyable day at The Science Museum and there was a great school community feel as children enjoyed sharing breakfast together in our Scoot to School Breakfast sessions.
Safer Internet Day provided a valuable opportunity to participate in age appropriate activities and Year 2 also benefitted from a Fire Service visit which was very informative.
The Spring Term was brought to a close by again inviting the community into school to watch a wonderful Spring Celebration of music, singing, poetry and readings.
Each year group has grown and developed in so many different ways and we look forward to "Creating more Opportunities" through the final term of the year.
Thank You Asda
Supermarket giant Asda has donated 7,000 laptops to schools in need across the country as part of a new digital inclusion pledge. The chain said every store in the UK will be able to donate at least 10 devices to local schools during lockdown.
We have been extremely fortunate to have been donated ten laptops from Asda.
Roger Burnley, CEO and President of Asda, said : "It's clear that digital exclusion is an issue affecting many thousands of children who attend schools in communities that we serve."
The supermarket formed the partnership with manufacturer Dell and has invested £2million to deliver the pledge. Each laptop comes with a tech bundle that includes a headset and a mobile internet dongle with a data allowance of 20GB from Asda's network partner Vodafone.
Many thanks to Ms S Vohra, our Asda Community Champion, who is the driving force behind supporting our school.
Thank you Ms Vohra for nominating the school from all the pupils and staff at Cardinal Road Infant and Nursery School.
An Outstanding Celebration!
On Monday 24th June Cardinal Road Nursery and Infant School enjoyed a day of fun and magic to celebrate their recent Outstanding OFSTED Judgement.
All children were treated to a spectacular magic show, where they were wowed with Science tricks, an ever growing rabbit and disappearing milk! Several children were selected to assist the accident prone magician and there was certainly a lot of eager audience participation.
Each class also spent the morning making special colour themed table decorations and hats, as well as baking delicious food and learning lots of important cooking skills in preparation for an Outstanding Banquet later that day.
The whole school gathered in their covered walkway to share a wonderful afternoon together and everyone enjoyed the party atmosphere. The food disappeared in record time and it was great to see pupils sharing with each other and the Year 2 pupils looking after the younger members of the school.
Head teacher Maggie Nowak said “This was a lovely way to thank our whole school community for all the dedication and hard work that they put in every day. Our school aim is to Aim High, Work Hard and Be Kind and we are so proud of our children, staff, governors, parents and carers who all contributed to this OFSTED judgement.”
The school’s drivers which underpin the school curriculum are Real Life Experiences, Community and Emotional Literacy. The celebrations will certainly be remembered for a long time to come and provided valuable opportunities to be part of a very special event.
Over the past few months Mrs Dale and other staff members have undertaken the enormous task of auditing, sorting and organising all of the library books in the school, so that they could be classified in a way that makes it really easy for pupils and staff to find the books that they are looking for.
We are pleased to announce that the new library facilities are now... OPEN!
As well as using the library during school time Year 2 will begin borrowing a book a week to take home after half-term and Year 1 will also have this opportunity later in the year.
An enormous thank you to Mrs Dale for all of her hard work, watch this space for Library Monitors, who will share the responsibility of keeping our beautiful library well organised and tidy.
We are a “Get Reading. Keep Reading. Change Everything.” school.
We use the highly successful Read Write Inc. Phonics programme to teach our children to read, write and spell. Our children do well in the phonics screening check and by Year 2, the majority are fluent readers with the best chance of success in the KS1 tests.
Ruth Miskin Training recognise us for teaching the programme with fidelity and passion – we know what it takes to make reading and writing pleasurable and rewarding for our children.
This badge recognises that we:
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