Treasure Island
On our first day back from the Christmas holidays the whole school enjoyed watching a pantomime of the story; ‘Treasure Island’.
It was really funny and we enjoyed the different characters, their costumes, singing and acting.
There were parts we had to join in to help the characters which we loved doing.
We launched our topic this term with a New Year's Party. We all worked hard tp plan and prepare the food. There was great team work as each class cooked a different dish. We sent our invitations out and had a great time at the party. We even sang the traditional Auld Lang Syne whilst holding hands and watched the fireworks!
We had a fantastic time making food and sharing it as part of our New Year’s party! We danced, played musical statues, ate scrumptious food and sang ‘Auld Lang Syne’ together. Mrs Nowak came and joined us for this. We then enjoyed watching the fireworks in class.
Maths Games
Thank you to all the parents who came to support our Maths Games morning. We really appreciate you sparing the time to support the children in playing the games and taking turns. It was great fun and it really supports the children in practising key Maths skills in a relaxed and fun way.
Police Visit
We had a second visit from the Police in Spring 1. They talked to us about their role in our community and about who we could treat as a safe adult if we were worried or needed help.
The Teddy Bear Wedding!
As part of our RE lessons we learnt about both Christian and Muslim weddings. We hosted a Teddy Bear Christian wedding in the school hall.
Our seats were arranged so that we could choose whether we were friends of the bride or groom. Some children took on the roles of bridesmaids, best men whilst others were witnesses, photographers and some threw the confetti at the end. It was a very happy occasion. Our congratulations to Mr & Mrs Teddy-Lion!
Science Museum
On Friday 2nd February Year One took a coach into central London to visit the Science Museum. We had a wonderful time and we were so impressed by their excellent behaviour.
We particularly admired the way they showed respect towards others (from our school and the general public)
We visited the Space exhibition and used our ‘I spy’ sheets to spot different artefacts such as the V2 rocket, an astronaut suit, a moon/globe projection, a space nappy and more!
We explored ‘The Secret Life of Home’ exhibition and searched for artefacts such as the ‘Pong’ game, a washing dolly, a microwave amongst many other interesting objects.
Possibly the most popular by far was ‘The Garden’, each class had a slot to play with and scientifically enquire with water, sound, shadow, construction, reflection and toys.
Having our packed lunches was a fun experience and we left our area tidy when we finished, again showing respect.
Our coach drivers were pleased with how polite and sensible we were as it made the drive much more pleasant for them too!
Lastly a huge thanks to all the parents in particular those who were able to join us. It is not possible without your help and support.
Exploring our senses
We have been learning more about ourselves and our senses. We had great fun exploring our senses. We had to describe what was in each pot using each of our senses (except for our sense of taste-that was a different investigation!)
Investigating taste
We had to be careful when investigating taste - it is not always safe to taste unknown things. We used crisps to explore our sense of taste. Can you identify what flavour a crisp is by taste? We had a go. Our guesses were not always correct, but it was great fun to try.
This term our PE lessons have focused on gymnastics. We have had such a good time trying different balances and ways to travel. We enjoyed exploring different shapes we could make with our bodies and how we could combine those shapes with different ways to travel. The equipment helped us to explore working at different levels and we tried to go over, under and through the different apparatus.
Safer Internet Day
On Tuesday 6th February we were very fortunate that one of our governors (and a fellow parent); Debbie kindly volunteered to deliver a Safer Internet Day assembly. She helped guide our discussions about how to stay safe, encouraged us to ask questions and think about various scenarios we might encounter and what we could do.
Exploring 3D shapes
Year One explored 3D shapes in class and around the school. Having the chance to explore them in real life helped them to name and understand their properties.
We had a fantastic time making food and sharing it as part of our New Year’s party! We danced, played musical statues, ate scrumptious food and sang ‘Auld Lang Syne’ together. Mrs Nowak came and joined us for this. We then enjoyed watching the fireworks in class.
Animal Fu Workshop
We had a marvellous time learning to follow some Animal Fu movements. We met a Grasshopper and Tiger who each had their own unique moves for us to follow. It was really enjoyable moving in new ways.
Art: British Landscapes
We had a great time learning how to draw landscapes. We then added colour using watercolours and collaged with different objects; lentils, split peas, spices, herbs and other dried food items to add texture and effect.
Maths Games
We love having parents in to play Maths Games! We learn a lot of Maths skills and also get to practice taking turns, winning and losing. Some of the games we found harder to play in September are now becoming easier as our maths skills and knowledge grow.
We loved listening to a wide variety of music and adding our own accompaniment using glockenspiels. We really impressed our teachers by keeping in time and playing the notes in the correct order.
World Book Day
We brought in our favourite books and dressed up as our favourite story characters for World Book Day. It was so much fun talking about the stories we love to read and taking part in a character parade in the hall. Thank you so much for making the effort with costumes as it really added to the fun! It was a double celebration with Green Class’ assembly on the same day!
Science Week
Exploring, observing, investigating… we had a great time undertaking investigations in our classrooms. Our parent helpers meant we could talk about our learning, ask and answer questions and help to ensure we got the most out of our activities! The planting, the magnets, the boat building and the exploding mentos volcano were all brilliant fun!
Scoot to school breakfast
What fun it is to share breakfast with our teachers and friends! We are so grateful to Miss Harte for organising it and to Catherine for ordering the food.
If you have not joined us yet, be a risk-taker and come along!
Visiting a Mosque
We were warmly welcomed on our visit to the Baitul Wahid mosque. Thank you again to parents who accompanied us on the trip.
We saw the different prayer rooms for both men and women, the games room and the library. To show our respect we removed our shoes and put them on the rack. We sat and listened to all the important information, asked thoughtful questions and learnt a lot. We were very lucky as the mosque gave each of us a gift of a snack, apple and drink which we enjoyed back at school whilst talking about what we now knew.
Go Bright
Year One chose Muscular Dystrophy UK as our charity to support this year. To do this we asked the whole school to dress up in bright colours!
“Living with a muscle wasting and weakening condition can be exhausting, stressful and lonely. With endless medical appointments, physiotherapy, treatments and respiratory support. That’s why, for over 60 years, we’ve been building our community. Bringing you together with friends and family, scientists and supporters, staff and volunteers, healthcare professionals and partners.” Muscular Dystrophy UK
Thank you to everyone who took part and contributed! We managed to raise a whopping £377!
Spring Assembly
We loved singing songs and performing poems in our Spring Assembly. Thank you again for your parental support, we so enjoy seeing you in school and sharing what we are doing!