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Cardinal Road Nursery & Infant School

‘Creating Opportunities’

Key Stage One (including Curriculum Maps)

Key Stage One


In KS1 we follow the 2014 National Curriculum. English and Mathematics are explicitly taught throughout the school on a daily basis following Curriculum 2014. Foundation Subjects are planned using a holistic approach to ensure learning is linked and meaningful. We make use of real life experiences and we value emotional literacy when planning exciting opportunities for our children. This enables us to provide a creative, stimulating curriculum. English and Mathematics are also taught in a cross curricular way where appropriate, in order to join up the learning.


Reading and Writing


Children are taught reading and writing using the Ruth Miskin Read, Write and Inc scheme in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.  Year Two continue to build these skills and learn how to apply their Literacy knowledge through cross curricular opportunities. In Year 2 a high emphasis is also put on grammar and spelling in line with the curriculum requirements.

Read, Write and Inc is a Phonic Programme which teaches the children daily phonic lessons in which they are taught new sounds and revise previously taught sounds. This includes teaching synthetic phonics, sight vocabulary, decoding and encoding words, grammar, spelling and letter formations.

The 44 sounds of the English language are taught systematically throughout the Foundation Stage and Key Stage One. The children are also introduced to the “tricky” words that cannot be sounded such as “the”, “was”, “enough”. Phonics is taught as the main strategy for reading and spelling. The children are taught to sound out each letter as they read the words rather than say the letter name.

When children spell words they are encouraged to “segment” them into individual sounds e.g. c-a-t, l-igh-t.

To find out more about how the programme can help your child at school and at home, please click on the weblink below.

Ruth Miskin Training Accreditation Badge



We are a "Get Reading. Keep Reading.  Change Everything." School.


We use the highly successful Read Write Inc. Phonics programme to teach our children to read, write and spell.  Our children do well in the phonics screening check and by Year 2, the majority are fluent readers with the best chance of success in the KS1 tests.


Ruth Miskin Training recognise us for teaching the Read  Write Inc. programmes with fidelity and

passion - we know what it takes to make literacy pleasurable and rewarding for our children.


This badge recognises that we:


  • Raise standards in reading and writing for our children.
  • Are all expertly trained by Ruth Miskin Training - including our headteacher Mrs Nowak.
  • Gain the latest programme updates through regular visits from our Ruth Miskin trainer.
  • Release our reading leaders to ensure our high standards are maintained.


To visit the parent pages on the Ruth Miskin Training website go to:


You may find the following pages on the Downloads and Videos section on the above link, particularly useful:


Sound and Pronunciation Guide (Page 7)

Teaching Sound Blending (Page 1)

Parent Tutorial: Teaching A Set 1 Sound (Page 3)

Parent Information: What Is Read Write Inc Phonics? (Page 6)


You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.




The school teaches Mathematics daily using the National Curriculum 2014 programmes of study. It is important that the children develop an understanding of the important mathematical concepts and have the ability to make connections within the subject. We place a high priority on the children using and applying their maths to a range of situations and where possible we offer them real life experiences so that they learn the importance of Mathematics in our daily lives. We teach them to select resources and strategies that are appropriate for solving particular problems so they can learn to think independently.




The children are assessed regularly in key aspects of their learning. This is recorded at the end of each half-term. We also use Assessment for Learning at the beginning of, and during topics, so that we can adapt our teaching to what the children already know, and what they would like to find out.

All Year One children take the Phonics Screening check towards the end of Year One. This tests their phonic knowledge against a national standard.

 The children in Year Two are assessed in English, Mathematics, and Science against National Standards towards the end of Year Two.


Assertive Mentoring


 A positive attitude to learning is an important element in children being successful in their learning. The Assertive Mentoring system with colours and smileys supports the children in monitoring their attitudes and enables them to make good choices. It is used across the school by all staff, including lunch-time staff, so that we are all giving a consistent message. We also teach the children about Growth Mind Set which encourages them to be open to taking risks with their learning and understanding the value of making mistakes as they learn. We have high expectations of children’s behaviour and learning and we value your support.




Children are expected to complete their homework. This is outlined in our Homework Policy for all year groups. They can access learning on our Learning Platform. We make sure that there is a balance of different types of homework and we support children at school if they do not have access to computers or tablets at home. This includes running a weekly Homework Club.

There are also regular project based homework tasks, which encourage children to think creatively and present their learning in a wide variety of ways, giving them ownership and developing their individuality.

Information for Parents/Carers

Parents/Carers have the opportunity to attend different meetings which explore the curriculum throughout the year. Year groups display an outline of their curriculum outside their classes and teachers are happy to answer any questions parents/carers may have. We follow the National Curriculum and ensure that children are enabled to practice their basic skills.
