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Cardinal Road Nursery & Infant School

‘Creating Opportunities’

Autumn 1


Welcome to all the  pupils and parents of Year 1. All the children have done brilliantly and settled into their new classes. We have explored our new classrooms and we are getting to know our new classmates.


Our topic this term is 'TECHNOLOGY'. The children had a fantastic time during the launch of the topic.  We  got to explore a range of different phones from the past and the present.


We went for a technology hunt around the school and discovered that technology is being used all around us.


We also  made our very own string phone, so that we could communicate with our friends and family. We tested our phones with a friend , we found it so exciting, IT WORKED!  



Technology Hunt

String Phones

Art: Partner Portraits

The children desplayed a high level of observational skills by drawing their partner portraits. First we used our finger to trace around  the shape of our friends heads.  Next  we looked closely at our partner's features and traced them too. We then used a pencil and drew what we had traced.  Finally we added detail by finding the correct skin tone and shading that in and then  using collage to create the different features. Pop into our classrooms to see the finished pieces of work.


We have started learning about everyday materials and their properties. The children have already shared some of their fantastic knowledge . As our topic  for the term is technology, we discussed what materials the different technology is made out of. They were successfully able to sort and label different materials into groups.

When we made our string phones, we also talked about what materials would be best to use for the phones.

We Sorted Materials

Be Kind

This term our Aims & Values focus is 'Be Kind'. We have shared lots of ideas about being kind to each other and made a display in each classroom.


We have been working hard in Maths this term. We have been looking closely at numbers, counting, ordering and comparing amounts.



Year 1 studied different artists based around the story of The Dot, which is about believing in yourself and never giving up. Year 1 followed different dot art techniques based on three different artists. We really enjoyed this as it was relaxing and taught us to believe in ourselves. 


PinkBarramundi Sam Assan- Aboriginal art - using cotton buds to paint dots

Orange: Damien Hirst - using different paint brushes to create dots

Green: Kasama Yayoi - using print pens and objects to print donts

Black History

As part of Black History month we were very lucky to take part in an African 'IROKE' theatre story telling workshop. We had a lot of fun joining in the story and listening to the drums.

Black History - Story Teller

Harvest Assembly

Our Harvest Assembly was a great success and lots of our parents came to watch us perform. We loved singing our songs and each class shared their own song or poem. We hope you enjoyed it. 

We also collected toiletries for the River Side Vinyard food bank.  This will help people that need support with their shopping.

We would like to thank you all for your generous donations.
