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Cardinal Road Nursery & Infant School

‘Creating Opportunities’


"The governing body is extremely diligent and provides school leaders with effective support and challenge. Governors have a long association with the school and have been instrumental in improving it." OFSTED Report May 2019

Welcome to the Governors Section
We thought you might like to know a little bit about us, our role and responsibilities.

The Governing Body (GB), together with the Headteacher, staff and Local Authority is responsible for the school. The GB must hold the school to account for the standards it achieves. It must ensure that all resources, including the school budget and staff, are properly used to meet the needs of all students and provide value for money. It works to both support and challenge the school.

The GB appoints the Headteacher and delegates the responsibility for the day to day running of the school to the Headteacher. Individual governors have no power as such and cannot act or speak on behalf of the GB unless power has been delegated to them.

What qualifications are needed?

No formal qualifications are required, just a desire to put experience and life skills to good use. Governors are people with an interest in education and a belief in working together to improve the outcomes for our students. They are people who have a few hours to spare each month, and enjoy being part of a team.

Governors 2024-2025


Mrs Ruth Stevens

Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor

Member of Curriculum Committee

Member of Resources Committee

Child Protection and Looked After Governor

Term of Office 12.03.23-11.03.27

Member of Victoria Junior School Staff

Attended 10 out of 10 Meetings for 2023-2024

Attended 3 out 3 Meetings for 2024-2025


Mr Robin James

Co-opted Governor

Chair of Resources Committee

Chair of Pay Committee

SDP Governor

Term of Office 13.03.23-12.03.27

No interests declared

Attended 8 out of 8 Meetings for 2023-2024

Attended 3 out of 3 Meetings for 2024-2025


Mrs Debbie Burrows

Parent Governor

Resources Committee

Curriculum Committee

Pay Committee

Well-Being and Filtering and Monitoring Governor

Term of Office 27.10.2021-26.10.2025

No interests declared

Attended 9 out of 9 Meetings for 2023-2024

Attended 4 out of 4 Meetings for 2024-2025


Revd Anne Dollery

Vice Chair

Co-opted Governor

Chair of Curriculum Committee

Deputy Safeguarding Governor

Term of Office 14.11.24-13.11.28

No interests declared

Attended 6 out of 6 Meetings for 2023-2024

Attended 1 out of 2 Meetings for 2024-2025


Ms Jaskiran Lall

LEA Governor

SEND Governor

Resources Committee

Pay Committee

Term of Office 11.03.24-10.03.28

No interests declared

Member of Resources Committee

Attended 5 out of 6 Meetings for 2023-2024

Attended 3 out of 3 Meetings for 2024-2025


Mr Naeem Ulfat

Parent Governor

Resources Committee

Pay Committee

Health and Safety Governor

Term of Office 07.03.2024- 06.03.2028

No Interests declared

Attended 5 out of 6 Meeting  for 2023-2024

Attended 2 out of 3 Meetings for 2024-2025



Ms Monica Kumar

 Co-opted Governor

Curriculum Committee

Pay Committee

Term of Office 13.06.2024- 12.06.2028

No Interests declared

Attended 1 out of 1 Meeting  for 2023-2024

Attended 2 out of 2 Meetings for 2024-2025



Mrs Aruna Seenivasan

Co-opted Governor

Member of Curriculum Committee

Term of Office 14.11.24-13.11.28

No interests declared

Attended 5 out of 6 Meetings for 2023-2024

Attended 2 out of 2 Meetings for 2024-2025


Mrs Maggie Nowak

Staff Governor

Member of Resources Committee

Member of Curriculum Committee

Member of Pay Committee

Term of Office 23.02.05

Staff Governor at Victoria junior School

Attended 10 out of 10 Meetings for 2023-2024

Attended 4 out of 4 Meetings 2024-2025


Miss Carlynn Harte

Staff Governor

Member of Resources Committee

Term of Office 03.09.23 - 02.09.27

No interests declared

Attended 6 out of 6 Meetings for 2023-2024

Attended 2 out of 2 Meetings for 2024-2025


Mrs Helen Osei

Associate Governor

 Deputy Head

Member of Curriculum Committee

Term of Office 12.03.23-11.03.27

No interests declared

Attended 6 out of 6 Meetings for 2023-2024

Attended 2 out of 2 Meetings for 2024-2025




