Strategies to Support Writing
We use a range of additional strategies to support writing that you can use at home to support your child.
'Have a Try Cards' are used to support spelling. We ask the children to 'have a go' at spelling the word they are struggling with, we then discuss their attempt and talk about what they have done well and what they need to change to correct it. e.g. When having a go at spelling 'some' the child has written 'sum'; 'well done I can see you have used your sounds to Fred Talk this word but it's actually a red word so you can't sound it out' The child then has the correct spelling on their card and they can use this in future when they are writing the same word.
Planning is an important part of the writing process. Before a piece of extended writing we will always plan what we want and make notes about plot, information or vocabulary choices. The children then use these plans to support their writing.
Using reading to support writing makes a real difference. Reading introduces children to a world of new vocabulary and writing styles. Often children will make notes about words or phrases they have read that they would like to use in their own writing.