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Cardinal Road Nursery & Infant School

‘Creating Opportunities’


Welcome to Year One


The children settled quickly into Year One. We talked about change and the children showed how resilient and flexible they are to the changes to their day compared to Reception.

We learnt about trees and seasonal changes and thought about how we change as people. We thought about our feelings and how these can change many times in just one day and how we can change from feeling sad to happy, angry to calm.

Be Kind was our first aim and value of the year. We have read books and discussed how we are kind and put it into practice by being kind! How are you kind?

Harvest Festival

We have been learning all about Harvest and we took part in a Harvest Festival assembly. Green Class sang ‘1,2,3 Little Acorns’ with the actions and great gusto!

Pink Class sang 'The Hedgehog Song' with actions and great projection.

Orange Class sang ‘The Harvest Song' with lovely clear voices.

Thank you also for all the contributions for The Vineyard, they were very much appreciated. The children did us proud with their contributions and donations.

Harvest Festival

Scoot to School

We had a delicious breakfast altogether in the hall. There was a wide selection of cereals, fruit and cereal bars and juices to choose from. We had fun sharing with our friends and catching up over breakfast. If you have not tried it yet, why not come next time!

Black History Week

We have been celebrating Black History Week! We have learnt about influential Black people and their achievements. We have recreated art work by black artists. We sang songs by musicians including Ella Fitzgerald, Bob Marley and the Wailers and Shirley Bassey. 

The Shape Hunt

We had great fun learning about shapes and searching for them around the classrooms and school. We were able to describe them saying how many corners or sides they had and became very quick at correctly naming them too. We then used different shapes to create some pictures. Can you guess what we have drawn? What shapes can you see? 

Here Come the Aliens!

We had an extraordinary surprise one day when Mrs Lawrence found some strange objects after a loud bang was heard from the playground. We talked about the different materials we found and thought carefully about what they were from. When we went back to class we discovered alien puppets! They wanted to be our friends and we needed to show them respect and be kind to them.


Our value for Autumn 2 was Respect. We have been thinking about how we show Respect to one another. The alien puppet was very different to us and needed to learn about us and from us. We helped the alien by designing a space buggy for each of them as theirs were broken in the crash. We know Father Christmas has promised to help by taking them home on his sleigh.

Maths Workshop

Thank you so much to all the parents who have signed up and joined us for some fun maths games! It makes a real difference to have a lovely adult to share them with. Everyone was buzzing with happiness as they won and lost and used their maths skills to play fun and exciting games.


We have been learning all about every day materials.

Can you name these common materials? We sorted the objects according to the material that they were made from. After sorting the materials we started to look at the different properties that the objects had. What materials can you find in your home? Are they all recyclable?

Space Buggies

In Design Technology, we have been designing spacy buggies. We had to think carefully about how we would get them to move. We had to make sure we used an axle so they wheels could turn. We then created our designs so we could start building and creating our space buggies. They also made them look fabulous with cool decorations and trimmings. Well done!

Space Alien

We used ‘Model Magic’ and our imaginations to create our own aliens. We shaped the magic clay and used a variety of materials such as; feathers, matchsticks, gems and pens. Some of us chose to use tools to create patterned textures. Each of our aliens are unique! Well done Year One you thought carefully, worked hard and aimed high whilst making them.

The Big Little Nativity!

We have been working extremely hard to create an amazing Nativity! We have been singing, dancing, narrating and performing to our hearts content. Every child aimed high to ensure each performance was thoroughly enjoyable for all. Thank you parents and carers for your support at home whether it was providing costumes, rehearsing words or simply coming to watch and clap.

Southville Methodist Church

We walked sensibly from school to Southville Methodist Church. After crossing the roads safely and spotting people’s Christmas decorations on route we arrived and received a very warm welcome from Mrs Woodley. We sat in the church and looked at all the special decorations and parts of the church such as the stained glass window, the crosses and organ etc. We learnt that people celebrate Christenings, Weddings and Funerals at church alongside Harvest, Christmas and Easter. Mrs Woodley told us the story of the Nativity and some of us were chosen to take a knitted figure up, to ‘build’ the Nativity scene. We then sang Mrs Woodley and the helpers one of our Christmas songs to show our gratitude for their time and effort. Thank you to Southville Methodist Church for preparing, hosting and ensuring we had a lovely visit. Also, we were very lucky to receive a free magazine from the church too.

Thank you to those parents who came on our trip, we really appreciate your time and help.
