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Cardinal Road Nursery & Infant School

‘Creating Opportunities’

Autumn 2024


 Aim and Value

  Our aim and value this half term is to 'Be Kind'.

 We have been doing lots of work in class about how we can be kind to one another. In our classrooms we have a   'Be  Kind'  display.


  Some ways we could be kind are:

  • sharing with our friends
  • listening
  • making good and the right choices
  • helping others
  • cheering people up
  • show an act of kindness



Fit for Life

 Our first topic is Fit for life. We started off by learning all about the Olympics and how they started. We then split into three teams to compete as a country. We made   flags and learnt about those countries.

 Macmillan Coffee Morning

Year 2 have been working hard making lots of cakes ready for our coffee morning to help raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. We really enjoy baking different recipes. It was great to know that we raising money for such a good cause. Thank you for all of your support and donations, everybody has been very generous!

 Healthy Pasta Salad

 We had a fantastic designing our pasta salad. Our design criteria was that it had to be healthy. Can you identify the ingredients we included?


In art this year we looked at the art work of Guiseppe Arcimboldo. He used a variety of fruit and vegetables to create faces. What fruits and vegetables can you see in our portraits?


We have had great fun exploring different balances and actions in gymnastics this term. We have started to link our movements together in a sequence. Insuring we hold tense shapes and move at different levels.

Purple Class


In science we have been learning about the importance of good hygiene. Do you always remember to wash your hands? We watched what happened to bread after a week if it had been touched by dirty hands, clean hands or no hands. The results were very clear. Always wash your hands!

We also wanted to find out more about soap. We sprinkled black pepper onto a bowl of water. We put soap on our finger and moved it closer to the pepper. It was amazing to watch how the pepper was repelled away from the soap.
