Cardinal Road Nursery and Infant School logo

Cardinal Road Nursery & Infant School

‘Creating Opportunities’


" Staff and pupils have taken to heart the school's aims and values and do indeed "aim high" and "work hard" . Relationships are warm. Pupils are kind to, and respectful of, one another. They are eager to explore, are positive and unafraid of taking risks with their learning". Ofsted Report June 2018.

Aims and Core Values at Cardinal Road Infant and Nursery School

"Cardinal Road is such a multi-cultural school, it's wonderful that it is embraced and the children get to learn about different cultures." Parent comment 2019

Mission Statement


Creating Opportunities  


"The friendly and encouraging environment is the best way for creating opportunities and utilising them" Parent comment Spring 2019                                                                                              



Aim high, work hard, be kind, no excuses





Self Belief

Risk Taker




"The boys have learnt what their strengths are, which means they really enjoy learning even when they find something challenging. The know they can keep trying - mistakes make you clever is my son's favourite phrase!" Parent comment Spring 2019 





We are committed to learning and working with other schools. We belong to Hounslow Education Partnership and uphold its' vision. 



Our school-led improvement partnership enables us to deliver the best possible educational experiences an outcomes for all the children and young people of Hounslow and drives our collective responsibility and ambition for their achievements.

Our approach is collaborative and inclusive of all Hounslow schools and promotes a rigorous culture of review, reflection, challenge and support drawing on the skills and expertise in our schools and beyond.


"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."   -  Benjamin Franklin
